Our Fees
At your first consultation we will be able to provide to you our billing methods and provide an estimate of what your matter will cost. In most cases we will be able to provide a fixed fee estimate.
At Martin Law our legal fees will be charged either on a time-costed basis, calculated by reference to an hourly rate for the time spent in performing the work, or as an agreed fixed fee amount so you know what your costs will be before you proceed.
At the beginning of most matters we will provide you with a written costs agreement and costs disclosure notice outlining how your legal fees are estimated or calculated.
In some matters this disclosure is not required when the legal fees do not exceed $1,500.00, or where the work must be performed urgently.
We will discuss your legal costs with you from the start at the commencement of your instructions openly and honestly and invite you to raise any concerns you may have at any time throughout the course of your matter.